

The Mini-articles below explore intriguing themes raised by the data or respond to FuzzyLaw from a practitioner perspective. Please take a look at the Mini-articles and feel free to respond in the comments boxes at the bottom of the page.

If you would like to write a mini-article for FuzzyLaw please get in touch with Frances by emailing RockF@cardiff.ac.uk. Mini-articles can take any form and their length is negotiable. They can be relatively academic, including references to academic sources or very informal making reference to practice or experience, for example. Work-in-progress ideas are always very welcome.

You are invited to make your own comments on the mini-articles in this section.

4 Dec 2014 I understand it but I can't explain it!
20 Nov 2014 FuzzyLaw: Resonances with Public Service Interpreting training
3 Jun 2014 What's on a lawyer's mind?
25 Nov 2013 Impartial vs. neutral
6 Nov 2013 An interpreter with two "hats" (a response to "On an equal footing")
6 Nov 2013 The impartial interpreter
26 Jul 2013 An equal footing
24 Jul 2013 The myth of the typical
17 Jul 2013 FuzzyLaw and interpreter practice
12 Oct 2012 In their own words