Aggravating circumstances
Circumstances which make a particular criminal act more serious. These will result in a harsher sentence or penalty. Aggravating factors may include use of weapons or a history of similar offences.
Explanation attempts (99)
- 28 Oct 2012 00:37
- Situation that could get worse or more dangerous
- 28 Oct 2012 23:11
- The situation and variables surrounding the situation that inflame/increase the overall problem/situation
- 29 Oct 2012 11:49
- a circumstance in which a person has committed a crime because they've been aggravated and therefore wound up into doing it.
- 29 Oct 2012 15:43
- A situation that leads to things becoming worse than usual, due to a specific reason/set of reasons.
- 29 Oct 2012 22:13
- Circumstances that may have aggravated a suspect into commiting a crime which they might not have done without said circumstances.
- 30 Oct 2012 09:13
- a situation arising ie an argument before hand which leads to a further dispute of somekind
- 30 Oct 2012 11:05
- I think circumstances of a crime gives you the general understanding of what happened.. but Aggravating circumstances increase the severity of it all??
- 30 Oct 2012 15:02
- Where you have used violence or force to make the situation worse
- 30 Oct 2012 15:54
- Pushed into a situation or mind set.
- 30 Oct 2012 16:14
- When someone has agressively provoked
- 30 Oct 2012 16:31
- a situation in which the surroundings/actions of others were not normal and therefore aggravated
- 30 Oct 2012 17:29
- circumstances, say regarding a crime or an attack where the offender/attacker was provoked
- 30 Oct 2012 18:19
- 30 Oct 2012 20:06
- Circumstances that are not normal
- 30 Oct 2012 21:04
- something that is happening at the same time that can affect the circumstances of a crime - an annoyance.
- 30 Oct 2012 21:57
- A situation/incidents that will make a situation worse.
- 30 Oct 2012 22:13
- There were other events happening beyond the individuals control which will have influenced their actions
- 30 Oct 2012 22:32
- Circumstances which have caused a person to become aggravated and commit a crime that they would not otherwise have committed.
- 30 Oct 2012 22:46
- When someone has been pushed to the limit and has reacted to a situation, in a way that they wouldn't normally behave.
- 31 Oct 2012 12:01
- circumstances which point towards the fact that a person is guilty
- 31 Oct 2012 14:41
- The circumstances in which a crime was committed make the crime worse and may possibly lead to a sterner punishment.
- 31 Oct 2012 16:48
- Circumstances that led to a crime being committed.
- 31 Oct 2012 18:34
- External influences that may have made a person behave in a certain way.
- 31 Oct 2012 19:57
- A situation which was made worse because of events happening around it
- 31 Oct 2012 20:28
- having an argument and getting het up with angry words so that someone usually hits out with violence
- 20 Nov 2012 20:47
- Aggravating circumstances would be when there are factors associated with a situation which may make the criminal offence that occured more serious than usual - for example, if the crime had a racial element, or if the crime was carried out against a vulnerable individual.
- 20 Nov 2012 22:57
- A circumstance that makes it more likely for the crime to be committed, e.g. "She killed her husband in a fit of rage because she caught him in bed with another woman".
- 20 Nov 2012 23:17
- I would assume this to mean, circumstances where provocation occurred prior to an incident taking place.
- 20 Nov 2012 23:40
- I understand the term aggravating to mean that there were circumstances that effected their ability to deal, and so they may have committed a crime because of these .
- 21 Nov 2012 00:06
- Acts carried out that are considered provoking. Probably includes threatening behaviour (either physical or verbal), such as swearing at a police officer or pushing someone in an argument. The act may not seem threatening to the person carrying it out, but is by law.
- 21 Nov 2012 01:43
- Increase in severity of the circumstance
- 21 Nov 2012 08:22
- Something which has happened surrounding a crime which makes the crime more serious and carries a more severe punishment.
- 21 Nov 2012 09:34
- Things that are taken into account by the judge (or jury) when they're considering what the sentence should be
- 21 Nov 2012 12:05
- whatever happened, has happened in an unusual situation, which might make you behave differently. An example that sits in my head would be if my family was threatened by violence. I am pretty sure I would use whatever I could to get the dangerous person away from my wife and daughter.
- 21 Nov 2012 13:53
- Someone else has made you do something by force or talked you into it.
- 14 Nov 2013 21:01
- Accused was riled or driven to the act by anger
- 14 Nov 2013 21:35
- either circumstances that could have affected an offender in such a way that they were led to commit an offence, or circumstances within the court that could change the conclusion reached by the jury
- 14 Nov 2013 21:41
- A frustrating situation.
- 14 Nov 2013 21:44
- things that may affect the accused in terms of outcome of sentence
- 14 Nov 2013 21:47
- Situation where a normal person would possibily become aggressive
- 14 Nov 2013 22:38
- circumstances which created contributed to or made the situation worse and hence provoked their behaviour
- 14 Nov 2013 23:59
- Events that have added to or escalated the severity of an outcome.
- 15 Nov 2013 13:23
- circumstances that partially explain/account for/pushed an individuals into undertaking an action
- 15 Nov 2013 19:59
- circumstances that allow or pardon aggravation
- 16 Nov 2013 16:46
- There were circumstances that in some way were a cause of the crime taking place, taking some responsibility away from the alleged criminal
- 17 Nov 2013 11:14
- circumstances which make it worse
- 17 Nov 2013 12:39
- Something that can be used in mitigation by the accused because their actions have been partly caused by outside factors.
- 17 Nov 2013 15:31
- Circumstances that result in a situation escalating to a point that it would not otherwise have reached if that situation occurred under "normal" circumstances.
- 17 Nov 2013 16:58
- Evidence given to the court which is critical of the accused, making them appear to be much more untrustworthy. Therefore, the accused is presented unfavourably and in a negative light.
- 17 Nov 2013 17:01
- Uncertain or difficult circumstances that make a case more difficult.
- 17 Nov 2013 19:03
- circumstances that the criminal said led to the crime
- 17 Nov 2013 19:29
- Putting someone in an distressing situation by either verbally or physically provoking them
- 17 Nov 2013 20:02
- When the person who has committed the crime for "aggravating circumstances" they cannot be charged as they cannot gather enough evidence.
- 17 Nov 2013 20:11
- a situation that may cause an illegal act to be carried out such as a man finding his wife with another man
- 17 Nov 2013 21:21
- When a person has committed a crime because of pressure from other sources
- 17 Nov 2013 22:08
- Circumstances which may cause you to behave how you wouldn't otherwise behave, possibly an 'excuse' for a crime
- 18 Nov 2013 10:15
- Circumstances of violence leading to more violence
- 18 Nov 2013 15:15
- Aggressive behaviour leading to criminal damage
- 18 Nov 2013 15:17
- A circumstance which makes the situation more serious, a factor which increases the severity of an action
- 18 Nov 2013 19:30
- the circumstances made it seem different
- 18 Nov 2013 20:38
- A situation which prompted a specific response from someone.
- 18 Nov 2013 21:00
- A certain factor that has likely influenced an individual to commit an offence.
- 18 Nov 2013 21:50
- Something that was done that made the situation worse
- 24 Nov 2013 11:24
- The defendant committed the crime under circumstances that involved provocative behaviour.
- 29 Oct 2014 09:22
- I would understand this to mean that the defendant has been accused of the same charge once or many times over.
- 4 Nov 2014 12:07
- Circumstances that offer more proof against the person being prosecuted
- 5 Nov 2014 13:39
- Circumstances that has changed the original state of mind of the person in question to make a different choice to normal by aggravating them in some way
- 7 Nov 2014 14:42
- When someone was antagonising another which resulted in the crime being committed.
- 7 Nov 2014 15:14
- A situation where tempers are high and this makes the situation difficult.
- 8 Nov 2014 14:13
- Circumstances that would lead to a normal level headed person being angry in some way due to direct, intentional effort by the person involved. I would say these are justifiable circumstances that would lead to someone being angry at a person/organisation.
- 8 Nov 2014 17:48
- Causing the situation to become worse by threatening or stirring other persons.
- 11 Nov 2014 09:41
- When the circumstances have led to an action that otherwise wouldn't have been taken. Otherthings to take into account when discussing the case.
- 11 Nov 2014 09:47
- circumstances in which the participant may feel aggravated, stressed, angry, upset.
- 11 Nov 2014 11:24
- A situation that may be of annoyance to you but may not be to someone else.
- 11 Nov 2014 11:30
- A situation where the court are informed of information that was not previously known.
- 11 Nov 2014 14:04
- manipulating situtaions/responses given. Taking things out of proportion to suit needs
- 5 Nov 2015 18:32
- A context which provoked or promotes aggression
- 6 Nov 2015 23:49
- Being in a situation where the actions of others around you make you feel uncomfortable or unhappy
- 17 Nov 2015 17:30
- When a situation has been made worse by other factors.
- 23 Nov 2015 00:12
- things that you can use as an excuse to help your case
- 23 Nov 2015 14:29
- Circumstances that conspired to aggravate an individual into committing an offence.
- 23 Nov 2015 14:30
- To have done something in a situation or in a way which was not as you would normally have done. Forced to do something out of context.
- 9 Nov 2016 12:48
- This means the individual may have been in a situation or event that influenced the decision they made. For example, if an individual was being threatened with violence and then decided to strike first, or if in a war time situation an individual shot and killed an unarmed enemy man or woman that had just previously been shooting at them.
- 9 Nov 2016 18:28
- Something could not be helped from happening due to the influence of other people on the perpetrator, at least from their defences perspective
- 10 Nov 2016 09:57
- Possible reason why someone would commit an act
- 14 Nov 2016 18:44
- Factors that affect the outcome of a certain thing, but do so in a negative way
- 14 Nov 2016 21:36
- Something that annoys you or doesn't go as you want
- 14 Nov 2016 23:02
- Being tedious to a situation
- 15 Nov 2016 12:30
- A set of events that escalated the event
- 15 Nov 2016 14:20
- Aggravating circumstances means the accompanying of an event that increases the culpability or liability of the accused.
- 1 Nov 2017 21:16
- Circumstances that have made the situation worse.
- 8 Nov 2017 08:35
- An occasion where illegal behaviour has some sort of mitigating conditions surrounding the behaviour
- 13 Nov 2017 12:17
- When a person has been put in a position which requires an assessment of guilt on a scale of seriousness
- 13 Nov 2017 22:06
- Some kind of crime involving violence
- 21 Nov 2023 17:24
- You’ve been provoked into acting the way you did
- 21 Nov 2023 19:36
- There were aspects of the situation which made whatever occurred to be pressurised
- 22 Nov 2023 00:51
- Details that add to the severity and pre-planning of a crime.
- 22 Nov 2023 17:33
- The situation arose due to surrounding events that if not present may have meant it wouldn't have occured
- 1 Jan 2024 22:44
- a situation or instance that strongly influences a certain thing happening.
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