A warning that if you saying something or don't say something by way of an explanantion when offered the chance, then later on if the matter goes to court, the court can be told what you did or didn't say particulalry in repsonse to questions the police have asked you. This may be held against you if you come up with something different in court that you havent said before.
A warning given by a police officer when he is arresting a person suspected of having committed an offence. A different type of caution may also be given by a police officer to a suspect who is being released without prosecution, as a deterrent against becoming involved in crime.
For example: “It may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court.”
Explanation attempts (125)
- 29 Oct 2012 13:08
A warning that if you do not comply with what you are asked from the start you may appear to be guilty when you have a story later on.
- 29 Oct 2012 19:31
A formal warning issued when being arreested/taken into police custody.
- 29 Oct 2012 22:28
A warning
- 30 Oct 2012 12:28
someone is cautioned by the police when they have committed an offense, explaining what they have done wrong. The police must do this before they can arrest you.
- 30 Oct 2012 13:33
This 'caution' is read out before you testify in court to ensure that a witness is telling the truth otherwise you could find yourself with a criminal offence to answer to
- 30 Oct 2012 16:30
a warning given in the context of an alleged offence. this would normally be gievn by the police of Law enforcement officers
- 30 Oct 2012 17:05
if this person is asked a question they should not omit any information but remember it later on.
- 30 Oct 2012 18:11
To take care to avoid danger or incident. To say something as a warning to a group or individual.
- 30 Oct 2012 18:19
- 30 Oct 2012 20:43
Make you aware that if, during preliminary questioning, you omit mentioning information which could prove vital to the verdict in court.
- 30 Oct 2012 22:13
A warning, to act carefully
- 31 Oct 2012 10:28
a warning that you must tell the truth at all times and if you lie you would be worse off
- 31 Oct 2012 15:12
To explain a persontheir full rights in the aspect of the law.
- 31 Oct 2012 15:42
warning them about what will happen, and for them to tell what happened now give the truth, if mentioned later might not beable to help them if went to court.
- 31 Oct 2012 18:09
A statement declared by a police officer upon the arrest of an individual, suspected of committing a crime. If a caution is not issued, the individual in question can claim that the arrest isn't legitimate nor valid.
- 31 Oct 2012 19:57
A warning given by the police to ensure the person arrested gives accurate and full information
- 31 Oct 2012 20:21
a caution is a statement read to you whilst/ before you are being arrested to explain your rights in the situation. It is also a term used for a punishment when someone is caught for a minor offence that may not warrant prosecution, instead they are cautioned, meaning the offence will but put on record but no further action is taken.
- 31 Oct 2012 22:24
Formal warning given by a police officer when someone is arrested. It is the formal start of a legal process and tells the person what will happen
- 31 Oct 2012 22:50
It's what is said to you if you get arrested, and tells you your rights.
- 31 Oct 2012 22:52
A warning. Given so that the defendant is made aware of their rights. Without this a person is able to walk free due to circumstances within the law.
- 1 Nov 2012 17:36
Include all relevant facts in the initial statement
- 1 Nov 2012 19:52
The police are telling you that you have certain rights and obligations under the law, and that if you refuse to carry out these obligations it may be looked on unfavourably if you are tried in court.
- 1 Nov 2012 21:40
When given a caution you are warned but given a second chance.
- 1 Nov 2012 22:13
a warning
- 20 Nov 2012 20:59
That I have been warned that my words or actions could lead me into trouble...
- 20 Nov 2012 21:01
Be careful what you say
- 20 Nov 2012 23:49
a notice of a legal construct which may affect or restrict future behaviour: a warning of a legal process which could be undertaken where specific terms are breached or invoked
- 21 Nov 2012 12:09
A means of chastising an offender for a minor crime, administered very shortly after the offense has been committed.
- 21 Nov 2012 16:35
A caution is an instruction when you are being arrested
- 21 Nov 2012 21:48
A warning but something that remains on your record and may have to be declared ie when applying for a new job
- 22 Nov 2012 22:12
A statement from a police officer prior to arrest advising of one's rights.
- 6 Dec 2012 11:33
The police will take note of anything you say and could be used as evidence
- 14 Nov 2013 20:57
A formal warning after committing an offence.
- 14 Nov 2013 21:32
a warning not to do it again
- 14 Nov 2013 21:40
Well, you haven't used the word caution in your example usage... To be cautionedm or to recieve a caution would be to be given a warning for a wrong doing or an inapropriate act that if performed again will have consequences.
- 14 Nov 2013 21:41
A warning by a police officer or legal official.
- 14 Nov 2013 21:44
A warning given to the accused
- 14 Nov 2013 22:18
When someone is warned of things that could be held against them in a court case.
- 15 Nov 2013 09:00
A warning given to a suspect or accused person that is in a statement that authorities are required to say
- 15 Nov 2013 13:02
A warning of further consequence
- 15 Nov 2013 19:43
a phrase designed to warn someone
- 15 Nov 2013 19:54
Being warmed not to say something
- 15 Nov 2013 22:48
Warning that you could possibly be later charged with an offence
- 16 Nov 2013 12:21
A recorded telling off.
- 16 Nov 2013 23:22
A warning before consequence
- 17 Nov 2013 12:21
A warning that your actions and speech are being recorded and may be used as evidence in the future against you.
- 17 Nov 2013 15:31
A warning given to people after they have committed an offence, doesn't usually result in legal action being taken but if the person reoffends they are likely to be prosecuted.
- 17 Nov 2013 17:11
a warning issued by the police that continued failure to comply with their request or the law will result in action against them.
- 17 Nov 2013 17:22
To be careful of something
- 17 Nov 2013 18:10
A caution is when someone is not charged for committing an offence; they are just warned, but it is still kept on record so that if it happens again, more serious action might be taken.
- 17 Nov 2013 19:18
a warning
- 17 Nov 2013 19:57
be careful of what you say/do
- 17 Nov 2013 22:05
If a person is given a caution, it's like a warning
- 17 Nov 2013 23:32
A term used when giving a warning to someone who has just committed a crime
- 18 Nov 2013 18:33
It is what a police man or woman says to you when you are under arrest and it means that you are warned that from now on you are under investigation for everything you do, in order to help the police do their work
- 18 Nov 2013 18:53
be careful what you say when being questioned in case it can be used by the courts to prove you are guilty
- 18 Nov 2013 19:30
a verbal warning
- 18 Nov 2013 19:52
A warning about a minor offence given by an officer
- 18 Nov 2013 20:55
You do not have to answer the questions but if you do and you change your story before court they will ask why you haven't told the truth
- 18 Nov 2013 21:00
A warning.
- 5 Nov 2014 14:12
A warning given to a person who has been accused of a crime.
- 7 Nov 2014 10:45
meant as a warning
- 8 Nov 2014 22:34
A warning.
- 9 Nov 2014 19:36
A warning given by the police when you have done something which breaks the law. This is used when the offence is not serious, or the circumstances do not warrant being charged.
- 10 Nov 2014 17:32
A warning given to someone to avoid future mistakes from happening again.
- 10 Nov 2014 21:41
If you hide evidence/ facts etc. From the court that may affect the court case
- 10 Nov 2014 21:49
You are being given a chance to explain your side of events with figures of authority. To caution someone is to also warn them to watch what they say as they may implicate themselves in other matters
- 10 Nov 2014 22:49
This is what the Police state to warn a suspect that what the suspect says is going to be treated as the truth and anything said at anther time could just be made up.
- 10 Nov 2014 23:50
Requires thinking of what may go wrong before carrying out an action.
- 11 Nov 2014 14:32
Like a warning. Making someone who has committed a crime aware of what will happen if they are to say anything that could be used against them as evidence in court.
- 12 Nov 2014 20:50
Warning of consequences of actions
- 10 Nov 2015 09:13
This is a legal requirement that when arrested the police officer (arresting officer) must read this statement out so that the accused knows they have entered the legal system and what they say or do will contribute to the evidence.
- 10 Nov 2015 09:39
A formal "telling off" for something that doesn't require prosecution. A caution will show up on a DBS but will expire after a few years (6 if I remember correctly). No conviction is enforced.
- 10 Nov 2015 21:50
Similar to that of a warning
- 17 Nov 2015 21:18
A warning with legal consequences.
- 19 Nov 2015 13:28
To warn someone
- 22 Nov 2015 16:20
verbal warning, providing information to the offender in relation to the offence. If police caution- setting out their rights
- 22 Nov 2015 16:43
A warning given by the law courts, in order to give you a chance or warn you for something that may happen in the future and you need to be careful of.
- 23 Nov 2015 09:40
A warning used by the police
- 8 Nov 2016 14:28
To take care not to fall into an unfavourable situation
- 8 Nov 2016 14:45
A warning after commiting a minor offence
- 8 Nov 2016 18:28
Warning that what you are about to do or say may have consequences and could be used as evidence in a court
- 9 Nov 2016 14:23
A caution is a type of warning.
- 9 Nov 2016 21:45
A caution that informs you of your integrity when being questioned by the police on a suspected criminal activity
- 13 Nov 2016 15:23
A legal warning
- 14 Nov 2016 12:52
Being careful and not taking a riskier option.
- 14 Nov 2016 14:53
A caution can be given when someone my attend court in the future, to warn them of their actions, and how the evidence may be used in their favour or against them in court.
- 14 Nov 2016 20:15
A formal warning given in place of punishment for a crime- it will be recorded so that if a similar offence is committed again, the fact that the person has already received a caution can be taken into account.
- 14 Nov 2016 20:19
- 14 Nov 2016 22:17
To evade persecution but remain noted to the police so that they are discouraged from committing crimes in the near future
- 7 Nov 2017 14:33
To be careful
- 12 Nov 2017 17:24
A warning given to someone who has been arrested on suspicion of committing a crime
- 12 Nov 2017 18:37
Be careful what you say.
- 13 Nov 2017 11:50
The words that have to be spoken when an arrest is being made by a police officer. If they are not spoken correctly then the arrest is not deemed as being proper.
- 13 Nov 2017 12:51
To take care when saying or doing something as it could effect you later on.
- 16 Nov 2022 20:27
Warning, something said by an officer or police member. May not be explicitly stated as a warning/ caution.
- 19 Nov 2023 17:21
something to be wary of and understand, to be cautious of
- 20 Nov 2023 12:15
a warning given to you to explain your rights after you have been arrested.
- 20 Nov 2023 12:27
A spoken warning
- 20 Nov 2023 17:19
Affirmation is confirming something. To affirm would be to confirm, however affirmations can also be positive mantras to help people encourage self believe. An affirmation in court specifically would be an oath almost like a verbal signature
- 21 Nov 2023 15:50
You need to be careful with what you say and you should think before you speak as it may harm a case you have in the criminal context
- 21 Nov 2023 18:32
Under caution means you have been arrested but not charged and are wanted for questioning on a criminal matter, and the caution is read out to explain the process to the person that anything they then say might be used if they get arrested or case goes to court
- 21 Nov 2023 21:03
Whatever you say in court may be used in evidence, either for or against you.
- 22 Nov 2023 09:29
A warning in regards to your own actions and the legal ramifications they could have.
- 18 Oct 2024 17:26
It is a rule or sentence used in law to caution the person under arrest. It’s a verbal warning that has consequences
- 20 Oct 2024 13:37
formal warning given to an individual about their rights and the potential consequences of their actions.
- 20 Oct 2024 15:00
You should tell the truth from the start and leave nothing out.
- 20 Oct 2024 17:19
I believe the term caution alludes to the idea of taking extra precautions in the legal system
- 21 Oct 2024 14:09
To make sure every avenue is investigated
- 21 Oct 2024 22:50
care taken to avoid danger or mistakes
- 22 Oct 2024 11:05
Like a ‘warning’ - whatever you say or do from this point can/will have consequences. What you say or how you act from this point may impact your criminal record.
- 22 Oct 2024 11:58
Act carefully, a warning
- 22 Oct 2024 12:23
Guidance given as to the consequence of not complying with proper procedure
- 22 Oct 2024 18:34
Of you say something now in the company of the police it may go against you on court
- 22 Oct 2024 20:22
It’s a form of punishment without any custodial or financial penalty. It’s used as a deterrent.
- 22 Oct 2024 21:12
Giving warning regarding the law and ways to proceed
- 23 Oct 2024 11:32
when you have a caution it is your step before punishment
- 23 Oct 2024 16:08
To be carful about something or to be aware
- 23 Oct 2024 19:06
A warning that may be legally binding
- 23 Oct 2024 21:43
A warning.
- 9 Nov 2024 13:46
In legal terms Caution means that you have to be aware of what you are saying as it will be used in evidence
- 13 Nov 2024 08:25
A warning given
- 20 Nov 2024 14:58
The phrase the police say to someone when they arrest them
- 20 Nov 2024 17:55
Legally required statement by the police when arresting/interviewing a suspect stating their rights and responsibilities.
- 20 Nov 2024 18:22
A caution is words spoken to the accused to remind them of their rights, and also to warn them of something they may need later in court